Featured Speaker/s: Roger and Sue Farr Topics: Continue Growing, review of Advanced Training Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is "Garden Harvest Bring a dish made with summer garden's harvest Contact Lois Hill" Bring recipe for future cookbook.
September 21 Noon - 2 PM Los Pinos Ranch Vineyards Tour and Lunch Lunch will start at noon with members are responsible for their own lunch and any drinks. A tour of Los Piños' facilities will begin around 1PM
Victoria Educational Gardens Pavilion and 4-H Activity Center 283 Bachelor Dr. (Victoria Educational Gardens at Victoria Regional Airport) Check-in 9:00 a.m., Symposium 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. ALL GARDEN ENTHUSIASTS WELCOME! SEE: TXMG.ORG/VICTORIA Contact Bea @ 361-676-1144 FOUR Sessions with top-notch presenters and fun you won’t want to miss! 9:30 – Michael Potter—Having A Stress-free... Read More →