CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s:  Linda Whiting Topics:  Herbs and their medicinal uses. Election of New Officers Nominations may be made from the floor.   Be sure and try to attend. Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is... Read More →

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: Roger and Sue Farr Topics: "The Birds, Bees, Flowers, and Trees" Bees need flowers. Flowers almost always need bees. The scientists call this "obligate mutualism"...or in layman's terms: we really do need each other. We'll talk about the what, why, and how of pollination and the importance of good... Read More →

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: TBA Topics: TBA Be sure and try to attend. Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is TBA.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: Janeice Pyle and Virginia Reynolds Topics: Digging and Dividing Perennials Be sure and try to attend. Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is TBA.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: TBA Topics: TBA Be sure and try to attend. Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is TBA.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: Annual CBMGA Christmas Party Topics: Christmas Party (very short business meeting) Deann and Becky have put together plenty of fun activities so be sure and attend.   Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the (very short) business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot... Read More →

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meetings for January, February and March Classes are from 9:00 AM to 12:00PM Meeting will begin after class around 12:00PM. Featured Speaker/s: Speaker for ongoing class day Topics: See class schedule Be sure and try to attend. Midday meals have not been decided by the board at this time. Check back later.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meetings for January, February and March Classes are from 9:00 AM to 12:00PM Meeting will begin after class around 12:00PM. Featured Speaker/s: Speaker for ongoing class day Topics: See class schedule Be sure and try to attend. Midday meals have not been decided by the board at this time. Check back later.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

Topics: Plant Sale Plant Sale Plant Sale!!! Featured Speaker/s: Plant Sale Committee Be sure and try to attend. Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is TBA.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: TBA Topics: TBA   Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is TBA.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: Kay Miller Topics: Shade Gardening   Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is Mexican Pot Luck for Cinco de Mayo.

CBMGA Monthly Meeting

Titus County Extension Office 1708 North Industrial Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TX, United States

CBMGA Regular Monthly Meeting Featured Speaker/s: TBA Topics: TBA   Social time of pot luck supper begins at 5:30pm followed by the business meeting. The theme for this month’s pot luck supper is Hamburger Summer. We will be grilling hamburgers at the extension. Bring your favorite condiment to put on a burger (enough to share)

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